Book building a motorhome yourself

Buch Wohnmobil-Selbstausbau englisch

Book building a motorhome yourself
76,00 € *

sis. alvin lisäksi toimituskulut

Tuotetta saatavana, toimitusaika n. 14 päivää
Tuotetta saatavana, toimitusaika n. 14 päivää
  • 951490
By self-builder and author Ulrich Dolde. Describes his dream of an off-road motorhome and its... lisää
By self-builder and author Ulrich Dolde. Describes his dream of an off-road motorhome and its realization. On 512 pages, he describes all the steps and trades involved in building a motorhome yourself. Much of it is also useful for upgrading an existing vehicle. This book is not only of benefit to those who build expedition vehicles, but also to all those who want to put their own hands on their motorhome or who want to gain a deeper understanding of how the components work together.
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By self-builder and author Ulrich Dolde. Describes his dream of an off-road motorhome and its...
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